On a SeeSaw with Leona Godin
work in progress
On a SeeSaw with M. Leona Godin
Distillation Following the Scent
with M. Leona Godin
geo geller
geo (at) GeoGeller.com
SeeSaw – unedited raw footage
SeeSaw – SeeSawing with Helen Keller
Distillation Following the Scent
with M. Leona Godin
an Instillation excerpted from work in progress documentary
a film by
geo geller
NOTE: SeeSaw – distillation – an instillation and goodbye environmental interactive performance instillation which is the distillation of M Leona Godin’s life on a SeeSaw as she moves from her apartment of 17 years and from being seen to being unseen as in hide and seek on a SeeSaw – now you see me now you don’t
M. Leona Godin – holding court at School for Poetic Computation