Filed under: — GeoGeller @ 4:07 pm
7 1/2min Trailer
Mythical Conversation/Documentary
Framed by god!
Lucifer aka Satan, the Devil
by geo geller
Lucifer playing himself
an experiential experimental film in the darkness
excerpt latest version 1/25/2014
Mythical Documentary/Conversation with Lucifer, aka Satan, the Devil by geo geller, with Lucifer playing himself – an experiential film/theater to be experience in the dark – short version 1 hour and 1 min recorded july 2013 the longer version includes details of Lucifer’s mind and his hand as both good bad guy and a bad good guy and his observations into himself, god, the ego, man, war, violence, fear , hope, religion, angels, adam and eve, including man’s relationship to god and gods relationship to man and Luicifer’s relationship to god and begs the question does god have an ego? a mythical documentary
Trailer/Teaser is excerpted from first 7 1/2 min of an hour long short which is excerpted from work in progress 4+ hour long, long version to be experience in the dark without visuals – a black screen film experience by geo geller and Lucifer playing himself – contact geo (at)
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