What’s My Relationship to Music? with Elena Camerin Young Autism, Music and Beyond – ver 20150911153416
Portrait of
Elena Camerin Young
What’s My Relationship to Music? with Elena Camerin Young
a Conversational Documentary
[mp3j track=”http://geogeller.com/geoelena/elena_on_music_life_beyond.mp3″ fontsize=”24px”]
Autism, Music and Beyond
in conversation with Elena Camerin Young
How Music Changed a Young Austistic Child and in turn Changed Elena’s Life too
excerpted from
“Soul Searching” & “What’s My Relationship to Music”
elena and geo musical conversations
geo geller
geo (at) GeoGeller.com
contact: Elena Camerin Young – elena1camerin@gmail.com
More Conversations About Music, Autism, Identity, Being a Woman and Babble (experimental film/theater) with Elena Camerin Young
excerpted from Elena a Musical Life documentary –
What’s My Relationship to Music? with Elena Camerin Young
What’s My Relationship to Music? with Elena Camerin Young
a Conversational Documentary
conversations with musicians and others about their and our relationship to music
geo geller
geo (at) GeoGeller.com
What’s My Relationship to Music? Documentary is part of a series of work in progress docs What’s A Documentary? for Two 7 year olds and What’s My Relationship to Dance – this one is looking at all aspects of our relationship to music with an educational perspective
Elena in Painted Faces of MonaLisa
Babble is the Universal Language
theater & music experiments
Babble is the Universal Language
Language of Empathy, Intuition & beyond
conceived/filmed/un-directed by
geo geller
geo (at) geogeller.com
featuring: elena camerin and hye yun park
a short film/theater play in progress workshop
Babble is a collaboration of geo geller and elena camerin
concept: women speaking in their native language to each other as if they are speaking
the same language in search of a common language that goes beyond
there are total of 5 individual video segments in youtube play below total running time 45 min
Babble is the Universal Language
if you are having trouble see this below – go to youtube link here
Sounding the Depths
Elena Camerin & geo geller
experiments in music and conversation
why Sounding Depths – because some of our musical experiments and conversations with elena touch on subject that have a depth and breath to them and our first conversation below was about what it’s like to be a woman among other things
Sounding the Depths by Elena and geo