work in progress
in addition to the following list
to name just a few things i am working on and have 8,000 paintings, 10,000 poems, 12 children’s stories “Island and Land Stories”, 400,000 photos, 3,000 hours of films, few thousand hours of just audio not including the audio from the films,
fictional documentary
Mythological Conversation with Lucifer, aka Satan the Devilc
a spontaneous lightly directed conversation – an experiential experimental film with no images – short version is 1 hour long version is 4 to 5 hours
non-fiction – documentaries
Invisible Self – in search of the invisible self – the conscious, verbal self is the tip of the iceberg, everything below the water is the invisible self
1 – Pondering the Imponderable with Howard Bloom a 24 hour experiential documentary with self described OmKnowlogist and author of the Lucifer Principal
2 – Madness and God – conversations with David who has read all the major and many of the religious scriptures and weaves them seamlessly while discussing spiritual pride and is author of a few books that i am representing for him too
3 – Ex Con With Convictions – Andy Dixon was born into crime and spent 27 years of an illegal life without parole sentence in prison and befriended James Earl Ray
4 – Will Who Won’t – a Homeless Black Veteran Revolutionary – who won’t give up and who comes to a white man for help
5 – Breaking out of the Darkness – Conversations with Susan – who has been hospitalized 40 times and has some insights into mental illness – including conversation about being on both sides of the medical model from mental patient to being peer counselor in a psych ward in a mental hospital in Harlem
6 – Music Saved My Life – conversation with (self-described) Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel
7 – Other Side Of War – war seen through the eyes of children – powerful and insightful
8 – Conversations with Benoit Mandelbrot in a Snow Storm ( Mandelbrot is the father of fractals)
9 – OCD – Prisoner in Your Own Body – Battle Within and Without by geo geller – conversation with Jason Figueria about his relationship to OCD
10 – The Beast Behind Beauty – is about slaying the Beast from within – the Beast that keeps us from feeling beautiful
11 – Giving Birth to Myself – a Harlem mid-wife story
12 – Restoring Paradise – a real life waiting for Godot story and beyond the imagination
13 – My Own Private Revolution – about people who are in their own private revolution who are challenging the status-quo, themselves and the imagination
14 Alchemist Chair – about a woman who sees the beauty in people who sit in her alchemist beauty salon and brings out that beauty out in them
15 – Observing the Observant – right now the Observant Jews in Brooklyn
16 – the Doodle Life – the inner life of artist – the doodle life
17 – ViZual Poetry – my photography
18 – Babble – the language of intimacy in search of empathy
19 – Another Day In Paradise – a day in a truck stop called paradise somewhere in Indiana