Mallika Chopra
work in progress
Mallika Chopra
geo geller
geo (at)
Mallika Chopra – Living with Intent at Jeff Pulver’s Breakfast with Friends – August 10, 2014
with Jenine Mayring, amazing signing
Breathing Saved My Life – Conversations with Amy Weintraub
on life, living and how breathing saved me
in conversation with geo geller
work in progress trailer in 5 short episodes
visit Amy at
Ex Con With Convictions
Andy Dixon spent 27 years of an illegal life without parole sentence in prison and he and his wife were so committed to Living with Intent that not only did he get out of a life sentence without parole he got out of prison ten years ago and now they go around the country and have their own trucking company too – this is excerpted from a work in progress documentary by geo geller
Andy Dixon & Linda Polk are about to publish Felonism book too
visit Ex Con With Convictions at Ex Con With Convictions
Felonism – Racism against people who have been convicted of a crime, done the time and when they come out that can’t find a sustainable job and so your Living With Intent might be an audience who can really resonate with your insights
facebook group – the documentary and the community building site are works in progress and under construction – we basically just have a stake in the virtual real estate, gold field