Musing on Music -Soul Searching – What’s My Relationship to Music?: Documentary
Musing on Music – Soul Searching
My Relationship to Music?
a Conversational Documentary
conversations with musicians and others about their and our relationship to music
geo geller
geo (at)
What’s My Relationship to Music? Documentary is part of a series of work in progress docs What’s A Documentary? for Two 7 year olds and What’s My Relationship to Dance – this one is looking at all aspects of our relationship to music with an educational perspective
the first intro came out of a casual conversation with A.J. Croce 2/5/2015 who is suspect in a longer work in progress insightful documentary working title Me, Myself, Music and Why with A.J. Croce – this excerpt episode i include when Marlo Croce, who is an artist herself, asked me what music i listened to and i thought it would work as an introduction to both the What’s My Relationship to Music Documentary by me and intro to A.J too – stay tooned there is more to come – if you want to respond to the question and create a video please Hastag it #WhatMyRelationshipToMusicDoc and also email me at Geo (at) and i will either include it in the doc or put a link to it some how – thanks for resonating
Fiona Bloom – has music in her veins
Tsidii – on music and on her self
Conversation About Music, Autism, Identity, Being a Woman
and Babble (experimental film/theater) with Elena Camerin Young
excerpted from Elena a Musical Life –
How Music Changed a Young Austistic Child and in turn Changed Elena’s Life too
contact: Elena Camerin Young –
Bruce Sudano
Music Saved My Life – conversations with (Self-Described) Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel 11-23-2015
excerpted from documentary in progress more at