a conversation with Harlem midwife – looking at the consequences of delivering vs birthing and the relationship of mother and child among other things – this is excerpted audio from telephone conversation from a larger work in progress documentary – more background below
note: given the state of mobile and tablet i include possible compatible players
intro – 3 min 08 seconds
Intro – 3 min 08 seconds
Complete – 1 hour and 30 min
in the 1950’s George Stoney did a documentary called – All My Babies – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV7hafoYqkU that is still being used today as an instructional video – and at a 50 year photo exhibit celebrating the film i met a harlem midwife who i am working on a documentary about called Giving Birth To Myself – a harlem midwife story – insights in the birthing vs the delivery process – you can hear some of the unedited audio at GiviingBirthToMyself.com – in addition i was involved in birthing my own two kids in the 1970’s and can tell you that was a life defining moment not only for me but my kids and their mother – in approaching the birthing of our kids i had to look at the trade-offs and risks and also that people have been giving birth since before forever – and also some what comforting statement – it is said that 98% of all births are uneventful 2% will have problems and 1% of those 2 percent a hospital might be helpful and the other 1% its nature at its not so best for the childs health and well being and doesn’t matter where one is –
Having Baby at Home
November 13, 2008
Baby, You’re Home