geo geller

September 6, 2017

Portrait of Howard Bloom teaser

Filed under: — GeoGeller @ 3:25 pm

Howard Bloom – Science Einstein Obsession Wonder the Soul and Beyond

Portrait of

Howard Bloom

Science, Einstein, Obsession, Wonder the Soul and Beyond

geo geller
geo (at)

Excerpted from Pondering the Imponderable with Howard Bloom 7-06-2014

Bloom lost in thought, the mind of artist/scientist and science and its lost soul, his/your mind, Einstein mind, Obsession and beyond – and why Einstein would go out of the house in his Pajamas with his wife running after him – how a focused mind gets lost and seduced by its imagination – this is an excerpt for one of over 300+ hours of 3 to 5+ hour conversations with Howard Bloom almost every sunday for 2+ years – there is a lot more to this then meets the eye

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