Other Faces of Mona Lisa by geo geller – oil paint on x-Ray Film and beyond
Mona Lisa… is she happy… is she sad is she mad is she glad, is she good is she bad – who knows maybe all those things and more and maybe its what isn’t painted, isn’t said that speaks to our invisible self that grabs us and holds us and maybe that is also what touched Leonardo da Vinci – i know its what touches me and maybe you, and maybe that and more is behind my Other Faces Of Mona Lisa too,
My paintings are not paintings to me but an experience that touches me and those who have been touched by the human condition of life – not everybody will get it, some will see themselves in them while others will look away, but what will be will be, to me they are all of us inside out – they express the invisible faces, Other Faces of Mona Lisa, myself and you