geo geller

February 28, 2015


Filed under: — GeoGeller @ 6:53 pm

Rap & Hip Hop are the story tellers, the poets of their day, their job, though they may not be aware of it is to pass on knowledge, insight, and history to those who follow in their footsteps, the future generations, to learn what they need to teach much in the same way as the Griot, the African story tellers, Rap & Hip Hop artist historical place goes back to before the beginning of time – how do we know this because we have fairy tales, children s games, religious and minstrel song and stories, we the scriptures and stories of religious figures – we have the marking of Cave dweller who were telling their stories as cave drawing, hieroglyphics, and today we have contemporary hieroglyphics in the from of graffiti all who who have survived the test of time because someone told their story forward

Graffiti, Rap & Hip Hop are intertwined, telling stories about life and events of the day coincidentally i have a website called Contemporary Hieroglyphics in which their is a segment on what graffiti and tattoo have in common too

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