Howard Bloom Culture High by Brett Harvey – pre and post film conversation 10/6/2014
(pre and post film conversation 10/6/2014)
excerpted from
Pondering the Imponderable with Howard (Omknowledgist) Bloom
an experiential experimental 24 hour non-linear documentary
geo geller
geo (at)
The Culture High is multi-layered eye opening film that begs the question “who protects us from those who say they are protecting us” – on the surface some might think its about legalizing pot – to me, the film is an indictment of society and the powers that be who abuse their powers by manipulating the facts to fit their needs, by creating a war on “we the people” in the name of a drug war that feeds the Criminal Injustice system making victims of victim-less crimes – people who have committed no crime who after they have been convicted of a crime and done the time when they come out are again victims of Felonism, racism, sexism against felons who can’t get a sustainable job – and ExCon With Convictions are both documentaries in progress by geo geller, Andy Dixon from (who spent 27 years of illegal life without parole in prison with James Earl Ray) and Linda Polk (Andy’s Wife) – is book in print coming soon too
on Oct 9, 2014, i saw a wonderful, not to be missed, insightful, Culture High film by Brett Harvey with my documentary suspect in crime, Howard Bloom, from Pondering the Imponderable with Howard Bloom, who stranger the fiction some how shows up in Culture High many times too – its at IFc in nyc and in theaters and festival – The Culture High
in full disclosure both Howard and I are not smokers of anything even though some might think i am stonner from way back –
ps – the third film down is just audio of our talk and is just black it last 7min too – its also unedited and raw too